
  • Why Does IPA Beer Make You So Sleepy?

    Why Does IPA Beer Make You So Sleepy?

    If you’ve ever noticed that drinking an IPA beer makes you feel extra drowsy, you’re not imagining things. Unlike other alcoholic drinks, IPAs contain a unique ingredient that can directly impact your sleepiness: hops. But does IPA actually help you...

  • What is REM Sleep?

    What is REM Sleep?

    Learn about the importance of REM sleep, its benefits for mental health, and how much you need. Discover tips to avoid waking up during this critical sleep stage and enhance your overall sleep quality.

  • Does Cheese Give You Nightmares?

    Does Cheese Give You Nightmares?

    Does cheese give you nightmares? Explore the science behind this common belief and learn how aged cheeses like cheddar and stilton may lead to vivid dreams. Understand the role of tyramine and how your bedtime food choices could be impacting your sleep quality.

  • Want to improve your memory? Get a good night's sleep!

    Want to improve your memory? Get a good night's sleep!

    We all know that a good night's sleep leaves us feeling refreshed, but did you know it can also boost your memory? If you're looking to retain information, process thoughts more effectively, and strengthen recall, prioritising quality sleep is key....

  • Does Chamomile Tea Make You Sleepy?

    Does Chamomile Tea Make You Sleepy?

    Chamomile tea has long been associated with relaxation and improved sleep, but how effective is it? In this article, we explore whether chamomile tea can genuinely help you drift off and answer some of the most common questions about its...

  • How to Sleep with a Blocked Nose

    How to Sleep with a Blocked Nose

    Learn how to sleep better with a blocked nose. Discover practical tips and strategies, including the best sleeping positions, breathing techniques, and remedies to alleviate congestion for a restful night.